Al Jazeera recently published an article where our Somos Muchas colleagues, Neesa Medina and Regina Fonseca, talked about the situation that Honduran women and girls go through because they do not have access to abortion.
Honduras is one of the few countries that completely prohibits abortion, putting the lives of women and girls at risk. Criminalization without exceptions leads a large number of Honduran women and girls to have unsafe abortions, resulting in increased maternal morbidity and mortality.
According to our 2019 report on Criminalization of Women for the Crime of Abortion in Honduras, criminalization has led to the current existence of adolescents and women being prosecuted for the crime of abortion in the country. They represent 81% of the cases we found and are between the ages of 18 and 28.
Somos Muchas continues to fight for the recognition of the right Honduran women and girls have to decide over their bodies, sexuality, and lives.
Here is an excerpt from the article:
«They did it out of fear,» said Neesa Medina, an activist with Somos Muchas, about lawmakers’ push to strengthen the prohibition. «Because they think they can ban the future. But you can’t ban the future.»
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